Phase 4 - Return to training guidance for all students ***PLEASE READ***

As I'm sure you are all aware today is the day we move to phase 4 of our return to training guidance. This means essentially that all restrictions have been lifted and we can resume training as we did pre-covid. However, covid is still very much with us and effecting us all in great numbers. For this reason, we have decided that it would be sensible to keep some of the restrictions in place. We are proceeding with caution. If at any point you feel you do not want to take part in sparring or partner work sections, please speak to your Instructor. Nobody will be expected to do anything they are not completely comfortable with.

Here is a short summary of changes that will come into effect from this evening onward:

  • Capacity rules have been lifted, but we will continue to limit our numbers via the APP. 

  • We will continue to provide as much ventilation as possible, opening all windows and doors.

  • We will continue to use one-way systems where possible. 

  • We have been advised by the EKF/SPORT ENGLAND to continue with temperature checks and to offer hand sanitiser at the door. They also advocate the use of masks when you are not training.  

  • Student cleanliness to be maintained - students to clean and sanitise their own mitts and pads in between sessions and always wear a clean uniform/t-shirt.  

  • Parents may now come inside to drop of students and speak to the Instructor. However, in our smaller venues and Primary Schools, you will not be able to stay and watch. This will be left up to the Instructor to decide and in some cases the venue will dictate the rules on this. If you do stay inside the dojo to spectate we would recommend you sit apart from other parents and wear a mask but this is completely up to you.  

  • You will need to continue booking via the APP as we will still need to provide information for NHS test and trace. Please make sure all of your /your child's details are up to date by completing and saving the 'my data' section.You will be able to book lessons for August and September by the end of this week. 

  • All levels of partner work can now resume. Adults can now spar and you can work with multiple partners. We will limit this to no more than 2-3 people in case we have to contact you to isolate.

  • Competitions will soon return so we will resume our Squad class from September. There will be a Kata Squad class and a separate Kumite Squad class. More information to follow on this. 

  • We will continue to clean and sanitise equipment between sessions but would also urge you to invest in your own set of hand pads particularly if you are a higher grade so we can we reduce the use of shared equipment. 

  • You should not share mitts, pads or personal items such as water bottles. 

We are delighted to be able to move to this step and have some great plans for the SUMMER. The majority of classes will continue over the School holidays so please support your class. We will be closed over the August Bank Holiday but you will be able to train the rest of the time. We have also booked Sunday 12th September for a Black Belt Grading for adults and juniors who are due to take or retake their 1st Dan, 2nd Dan or 3rd Dan.There will be a special week of activities and medals up for grabs when Karate makes its debut in the Olympics in just a few weeks time. We will also be rewarding students who attend at least 6 lessons or more over the Summer with Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates.We need to continue work together to keep each other safe. Following the rules, regular lateral flow testing and NOT COMING TO CLASS IF YOU FEEL UNWELL is key. We have a fair cancellation policy and will continue to offer ZOOM on Wednesdays with Debbie Sensei classes for those unable to make it to the Dojo.We thank you for your support and co-operation so far. You have all been brilliant and without you guys, there would be no club! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch -, Paul and Rachael Sensei and all the Instructors at RTK. 


September Newsletter


Newsletter for July/August and Cancellations Procedure